Okay, so some of you have heard the news and others haven’t. Starting Monday, February 1st I will be going Vegetarian for ONE month. Before you all start with your two cents and opinions and “What the heck are you thinking?” let me tell you why. This is part of a Facebook challenge/dare from another Army wife. (We Army Wives do some CraZy things.) It's not for suffering animals or fish that are in overcrowded tanks! I really started thinking about how healthy in general vegetarians and vegans are. I lost 20 pounds 2 years ago on Weight Watchers. It’s a great program, don’t get me wrong. It worked, but you can still eat “junk” and stay on plan. One of my New Year’s resolutions for 2010 is to eat healthy and limit the number of processed foods I eat. So, by going veggie for a month, I’m starting fresh and teaching myself healthy habits without the junk. Then I’ll incorporate my chicken, fish and lean meat back into my diet. That’s if I want to after a month of going vegetarian. I’m doing my research. I’ve got a 12-year Vegetarian and a 4-year Vegan in my corner helping me out and one fabulous friend, Tiffany doing this with me for the month.
I’ve been hit on the head and called Crazy, my friend Jelly is upset with me and all because I want to eat better. I’m just trying a different approach to eating better and people act as if it’s the end of the world. So, this blog will not only have my on-going humor to keep you entertained, but you’ll get a kick out of my adventure going veggie. :)
Just to let you all know, I’ve opted for the healthy Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian variety and I’m not going to be eating PB&J sandwiches with potato chips and Oreos for an entire month. Cross your fingers and wish me luck!