Twitter Update- Alright, so I’m completely lost on how the Twitter thing works, but I thoroughly enjoy reading and seeing randomness at its best. I’ve been tweeting for about 3 weeks, okay that’s a lie. I’ve been “reading” tweets and retweets. My personal belief is that Twitter is a fancy way to cyber-stalk famous people and celebrities from a distance that safely harbors you from being slapped with a restraining order or sitting outside their Hollywood home with binoculars around your neck. You know where they are and what they’re doing or how they’re feeling, eating, etc. without all the time consuming legwork of stalking. Plus, this gives the advantage for one to "follow" many people, not just one or two and this is widely accepted by everyone in America who tweets. Scary thought, but oh well.
I have unfollowed @JimCantore (of the Weather Channel). This crap with #Igor and his incessant ramblings on tornados in #Kansas and other weather mumbo-jumbo, frankly I don’t give a damn. However, the tweets of the voice-sexy @mikeroweworks (Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs) have now filled my twitter page. Ahhh, I can just imagine him doing a voice-over on his tweets to his followers, all 29,326 of us. And my favorite twit-pic of the week.
RT@PeterGriffinn I type like this, #becauseimagangsta. yuuhh typ3 lyk3 diz bcuz ur @n id10t.
@brettcbailey I wish Tucker max would come out and punch Chelsea handler right in the ovary. #vma (I wish the same too!)
So, my life is a little bit funnier each day thanks to all the tweeters I follow. It's kind of like those brown bag specials, you never know what you’re going to find inside or read in this case. Happy tweeting for you peeps that do and find me if you can. I'm on to google a video of @mikeroweworks playing a piano and singing at the tannery and download it to my iPod. Maybe, just maybe, Ben and Mike could meet up on day on Chatroulette. Ahh...that would be awesome. :D