Monday, March 21, 2011

What's the Deal with the Crazy Weather Here?

Just in the last week here at the Big Red One, we've had snow, hail, thunderstorms, bright sunny skies and warm weather. Last Sunday night/Monday morning we had a whopping 2 inches of snow dumped down on us, followed by a few nice days of highs in the 70's, then Saturday night was capped off with thunder storms complete with marble sized hail. We welcomed the first day of spring with a high of 83* degrees, sunny skies and a light breeze. We fished all afternoon at Moon Lake, resulting in sunburnt arms and legs. However, I'm excited that spring has finally sprung and the smallest signs are appearing all around us. School is out for spring break, the husband is off work for a few days and we're enjoying the warmer weather that Kansas has finally decided to show us. Today we enjoyed a awesome afternoon at Milford Lake. This is as close to the Atlantic Ocean as I can get for now. The breeze was just as it is alongside the ocean and if I closed my eyes that salty sea air filled my nose. It was wonderful and the boys & Clay had a blast throwing sticks and rocks into the water. I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for us. :D
I checked the weather, right after I published this post. Here's my FB rant for the day:
I'm sunburnt from 80* weather from 2 days ago and now they're calling for more snow & sleet on Saturday. Really? Good grief. :O