Am I really that funny? My Mom said the same thing about my blogmments (blog and comments- new word). I didn't think it was pee in your pants funny, but maybe I see life differently? Wait until I write about my Sexcapades with my injured husband over Christmas Exodus. It'll sound like Special Olympics. On second thought, that might be TMI.
Oh, Rodney, you’re just too funny for your own good. I laugh so hard driving down the road listening to “The Chicken Song” –Sing You Bastard! People must think I have Tourette's driving down the highway. I turn on the radio in the car; slip “Hanging with Rodney” into the CD player and all my cares just melt away. From “Fred” to “Little Things” it’s the best entertainment on a small silver disc. Not often can I listen to Rodney, he has explicit lyrics and dialogue on his albums, just not able to listen with two repeating parrots in the backseat. This week, I’ve been endured to listen to a Christmas CD with The Chipmunks “Christmas Time is Here” on REPEAT in the car. I love my 4-year old, but this is enough to push any sane woman over the edge. However, I do remember receiving a cassette tape “Chipmunks in Low Places” for Christmas and I listened to it all the time. So, my love for The Chipmunks isn’t what it used to be, I must have passed it on to my son. Rodney will be playing on my way to work tomorrow.
So, I’m cooking dinner tonight, just a simple Baked Spaghetti-nothing fancy tonight. And now I am packing lunch for work tomorrow. Oh, how I dread it. A 12 hour shift on a Saturday, what fun! (Did you hear my sarcasm?) Anyway, I’m packing a Blueberry Bagel, Honey Nut cream cheese, Orange juice mixed with Cranberry juice, Salad, Italian dressing, Sweet Tea, Baked Spaghetti, and for desert Key Lime Pie yogurt and Muddy Buddies to take to work. You get hungry over 12 hours. I’ve packed my “So I Don’t Get Bored at Work” bag, complete with two books (each over 350 pages) and some knitting supplies. There is the off chance that I’ll have to do some sitting one-on-one with a patient, it’s the Holidays. I work at a large hospital, on a Trauma/EGS(Emergency General Surgery) unit. 9 times out of 10, we’ve got sitter patients. One-on-one care for their safety or to make sure they don’t try and commit suicide again. You’ve got manic-depressives that can’t deal with family holidays, people whose famous last words before an accident, “Hey! Watch this!” and old men that climb onto the roof for their wives to fix the string of Christmas lights that is dangling over the kitchen window, then end up falling off it. Throw all that in with your regular patients: car accident victims, GSW’s (gun shot wounds) and any other trauma or emergency general surgery thrown at us. It makes for an interesting day of work. Anyway, while packing my bag I had an EPIPHANY! Ever had a Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie or a Keebler Grasshopper Cookie? I love the mint taste. Well, why not make Mint Muddy Buddies? Stir in some mint flavoring when you melt the chocolate and viola! Wonderful, heaven in a handful of little rice squares. Mmmmm Yummy! Off to bed while visions of Mint Muddy Buddies dance in my head!
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