9999 cans of Halcyon on the wall.....
Last Saturday to expand our 4 and 6 year old children's horizons, we toured a local brewery here in town. Tallgrass Brewing Company in Manhattan, Kansas brews up lots of tasty craft beers and we joined them for a taste and tour. We tasted Oasis, Halcyon (Unfiltered Wheat), Buffalo Sweat, Ale, IPA and their newest craft beer that their head brew-master made. On the tour, we learned the process of brewing beer from start to finish.
The grain room, the mash tanks, the transfer to the fermenting tanks and learning the importance of having giant fermenting tanks named after the original American Gladiators. Well of course they named the smallest tanks after two of the female gladiators. We learned lots and my husband and myself found new beer we both enjoyed.
However, with the addition of two older gentlemen attending the tour, who were equally impressed by 3 service members of the U.S. Army attending the tour with their spouses, a pair of little sweet Southern boys and a few locals from Kansas State University, kept us entertained and our glasses topped off from start to finish on our tour. These older men, obviously wanting to keep their identities a secret, but one of them spilled the beans when Tom went to get a refill within the first 5 minutes of the tour. Just met Tom Clancy & John Locke from "Lost" today while on our tour at the brewery. Tons of doppelgängers in Kansas. :D
Yep, Kansas is full of doppelgängers. Tom wasn't writing his next novel, Locke wasn't chasing black smoke on an island, nope they were both two guys doing some pre-game drinking before K-State took on Kent State and inviting everyone out to St. Mary's for a barbeque. Check out Tallgrass Brewing Company and see where you can pick up some of Kansas' best craft beer close to you. :D
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