Friday, January 15, 2010

Trying to Go From Semi-Hoarder To Semi-Simple....

My husband and I were talking on the phone the other night, like we do most nights. I told him of all the plans I had to de-clutter our home before we move to Destination Unknown. I told him of area of the house I was working on. (He’s so proud of me.) Anyway, we talked about how bad of a pack rat a used to be. I’m talking on the verge of being featured on a TLC special for Hoarders. Seven years ago, I was slowly becoming “Madame Trash Heap” from Fraggle Rock or “The Junky Lady” from the Labyrinth. If you don’t remember watching Labyrinth with David Bowie wearing tight pants and scaring young children because of the tight pleather/leather pants. Yikes!
Here’s a excerpt from Wiki:

The Junk Lady encounters Sarah after she wakes up from the dream invoked by Jareth's peach. The Junk Lady tries to distract her from her quest to find Toby, as Sarah has lost her memory after eating the peach. She leads Sarah into a junkyard-like version of her own bedroom, giving her an array of toys seen earlier in the movie to be treasured by Sarah. After reading a passage from the "Labyrinth" book, Sarah realizes that the Junk Lady is not real, but an illusion created by Jareth- and that the former treasures of her selfish childhood are not important to her anymore, but merely "junk" compared to the importance of her friends and Toby. She then remembers everything, and discards the toys, at which point the room and the Junk Lady both disappear. Sarah is immediately reunited with Ludo, Sir Didymus, and Ambrosius.

So, I’ve come a long way. I’m getting better at letting things go and no longer need an intervention. I eventually want everything to have a purpose and a place in my home and my life. I just want to simplify. (Slowly, but surely I’m getting there!)

But, I hang on to jobs like possessions. I’ve gotten burnt out on the hospital and my husband and I had already talked during Christmas Exodus about me leaving there at the end of January. I needed to call and talk to my boss and submit my 2 week notice today, so it looks good to the next employer and on my resume.

However......Tomorrow is my last day at the Baptist. My boss was nice enough to back date my 2 week notice, so it looks like a gave one. :0 I’ve got a pretty cool boss and a great recommendation on a job resume from working at a major medical center in the South.

 And this is why.....

(last night’s FB status)

Nikki.....thinks someone really wants her to fly down to Texas for a long weekend. Wouldn't that be nice?

(this morning’s FB status)

Nikki....It's amazing that if you update your status about thinking of catching a flight to Texas for a long weekend, you get a call from your boss at 7:45 am making sure that you're coming in to work tomorrow! LOL

After a lengthy conversation with my boss this morning, (15 minutes) he understood my dilemma. I’ve been a single parent (temporarily) to two boys under the age of 4 for going on 5 months, a long distance relationship with an injured husband, and just a bit stressed feeling like I don’t spend enough time with them because of my other part-time job and the boys going to school during the week. My family is the one thing I’ll make all the room in the world for. So, I’m de-cluttering my life in 2010. If I haven’t enjoyed it, seen it, touched it or worn it in the last 6 months or going to in the next 6 months, it’s gone. However, there are two exceptions to this rule: my skinny clothes in the closet and my Husband! (deployments are 12 to 15 months long)
Goodbye Clutter!

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